'Fällt Assad, fallen Hizbollah, Maliki und der Iran auch'

SahararoudiMit erfreulicher Klarheit haben hochrangige iranische Militärs erklärt, was für sie in Syrien auf dem Spiel steht: Nicht nur die Zukunften der Verbündeten, sondern sogar die der Islamischen Republik selbst.

Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces , Brigadier General , Gholam Ali Rashid said that his country supports Syria ” without limits ” (…). Rashid said , ” We do not have fighters in Syria , but some military commanders provide advice out there and the formation of the National Defense Force was of the proposals of al- Quds Force .” Gholam Ali Rashid expressed his country’s concern of the fall of the regime of Syrian President if Iran gives support to it , saying that if that happens then Lebanese Hezbollah turn will come and the government of Nuri al-Maliki ’s ally to Iran which will make Iran in front of difficult choices in the confrontation . The deputy of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces said , ” There is no doubt that after the fall of Bashar al-Assad , there will be a focus on Lebanon and Hezbollah , then they will come to Iraq, where the Shiite - government rules.”