UN Sonderberichterstatter klagt Iran wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen massiv an

Der vom UN Menschenrechtsausschuss beauftragte Berichterstatter Ahmed Shaheed veröffentlichte  aktuell  , dass sich die Lage der Menschenrechte  im Iran  nicht verändert hat. Immer noch wird exessiv hingerichtet, gefoltert und  amputiert und das wegen vergleichsweise geringen Vergehen. Damit bricht der Iran mal wieder alle Bemühungen der UN , weltweit den Menschenrechte zum Durchbruch zu verhelfen.


The United Nations special rapporteur on human rights in Iran has told the U.N. General Assembly that there have been no fundamental improvements in Iran's human rights situation despite token but welcome gestures undertaken since the election of Iranian president Hassan Rouhani. Ahmed Shaheed's non-exhaustive 20-page "overview of the prevailing human rights situation" in Iran describes an array [PDF] of "cruel and inhuman punishment[s]" including "limb amputation for the crime of theft... [and flogging] for such crimes as 'sedition', 'acts incompatible with chastity', drinking alcohol, 'illicit' relationships and non-penetrative homosexual acts." It found "no sign of improvement" from previous reports and drew particular attention to "the spate of executions observed in the weeks following the 2013 elections, during which 38 officially announced and at least 44 unofficially announced executions reportedly took place."