Saudis wollen keine atomare Anreicherung im Iran dulden

Die bisherigen Atomverhandlungen zwischen den 5+1 und dem Iran verunsichern nicht nur Israel, sondern auch Saudi Arabien. Beide Staaten wollen die atomare Anreicherung im Iran nicht akzeptieren. Sie warnen US Außenminister Kerry vor einem schmutzigen Handel.


Rift widens on Iranian nuclear deal as Israel, Arabs warn against allowing enrichment
The Obama administration on Wednesday acknowledged a widening gulf with key Middle Eastern allies over nuclear talks with Iran, as Israeli and Persian Gulf Arab leaders pressed for drastic cuts to Iran’s atomic infrastructure that Tehran has insisted it will never accept.
The differences came into stark relief as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to lecture Secretary of State John F. Kerry at a joint news conference, warning against a “bad deal” that would allow Iran to retain any capability to make enriched uranium.
Iran, which last week began a new round of nuclear talks with the United States and five other world powers, says it will never agree to give up its right to make uranium fuel for peaceful nuclear energy.